「當你真心渴望某件事時,全宇宙都會聯合起來幫助你」— 牧羊少年奇幻之旅
我從小在國外長大,很幸運的一路升學到博士後研究學者,發表過數篇學術論文、擔任科學期刊的Reviewer,也拿過不少獎學金/研究基金。我在國外有多次面試求職者或學生的經驗,也幫助過許多美國當地與亞洲的學生申請到研究所與得到工作機會,所以我深深體會到能夠成功的關鍵,從來都不光只是申請文件英文文法正確,面試時會講英文就好。以目前競爭的求學/求職趨勢來看, 在篩選的過程中,比的不只是英文而已。
這是我開始這個 blog 的初衷,我慢慢的記錄下過去帶領我學生走過的一切
不論是實現屬於自己的留學故事,或者是完成在頂尖企業任職的夢想, 在每一個前方的關卡,總是充滿了不確定因子及各種挑戰。 我們無法迴避,只能先做好準備,全力以赴。
若你看過 blog 的文章後,仍希望得到更多的協助,可以在 EssayCrafter 找到我。
For the past many years, I have had the opportunities to help my students and friends by giving advice on their writing, either for job searches or school applications. More recently, I have become more acquainted with many students and scholars who came from Taiwan, the hometown I left when I was young. Without a doubt, I am very much impressed by the remarkable qualities they possess, such as extraordinary academic aptitude, talents and their commitment to intellectual pursuits. At the same time, I also understand the challenge most of them encounter, having to express themselves in a language that is foreign to them. The lack of experience in conveying ideas effectively in speaking or writing is a major hindrance during the competitive selection process. As a result, those exceptional characteristics and high caliber of achievements may not always be acknowledged or recognized as they could have been.
After having become accustomed to English writing at an earlier age, I came to the conclusion that writing is an art in itself; it is more than just compiling a collection of grammatically correct sentences on a page. Rather, a beautifully written piece of work entails a blend of skill, artistry and craftsmanship. I started to wonder if I could help others be more profound in expressing themselves, and thus be more well-presented on paper or in verbal communication, especially those striving for academic and business excellence.
Therefore, this blog was conceptualized initially by my desire for sharing my experiences. After bouncing ideas off my friends, I was encouraged to put my thought into action.
My name is Evon, and this is my writing recipe.
By Evon at EssayCrafter
Essaycrafter英文諮詢工作室的創辦人 Dr Evon 大學主修理工,後續取得了生醫相關博士學位,也同時取得公衛的碩士 (MPH)。在期間發表了多篇的學術論文,共同著作一本英文百科全書其一章節,受邀擔任國際會議的演講者及數份科學期刊的 Reviewer,修過經濟學以及財經管理、統計課程。至今累積了超過十年在外國大學以英文授課的經驗。多年來已成功地輔導許多研究生及外商求職者量身打造具有說服力的申請文件並克服英文面試關卡,錄取心目中理想的企業或學校。