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最新 2020年美國大學排名在這裡!



上個月QS 第公佈 2020 美國大學排名,美國大學的前幾名仍是坐穩寶座的哈佛大學(Harvard University) ,史丹佛大學(Stanford),麻省理工(MIT),UC柏克萊大學(UC Berkeley),及哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)。








好,我知道學校排名對學生與家長來說很重要,所以這裡要分享的為 QS 依照以下 4 大類(就業能力,多元化,學習經歷,及研究)共 17 項目為大學做評分:


1. 就業能力 (Employability) 
公司給學校的評價 (Employer reputation) 
學生的人脈 (Alumni outcomes)
10年後的薪水預估 (Salary after 10 years)


2. 學生多元化及國際性 (Diversity & Internationalisation) 
男女薪資平等 (Gender pay gap) 
職員性別平等 (Faculty gender diversity) 
大學生獲獎學金比例 (Ratio of undergraduate students receiving Pell grants) 
學生種族多元化 (Students’ ethnicity mix) 
Fulbright獎學金數量 (Number of Fulbright recipients per institution) 
國際學生比例 (Proportion of international students)


3. 學習經歷(Learning experience) 
給每位學生的教育支出 (Average instructional expenditure per FTE student)
學生續讀意願 (Retention rate) 
獎學金學生畢業率 (Pell grant student graduation rates compared with other students) 
師生比例 (Student-faculty ratio) 


4. 研究 (Research) 
學術名聲 (Academic reputation) 
論文引述數量 (Citation per paper)
國際研究管道 (International Research Network) 
企業合作率 (Partnerships with Employers per Faculty) 
2020 美國大學排行表



快來看看前 100 名有哪些學校吧!


排名 學校 
1.Harvard University 
2. Stanford University 
3.Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 
4.University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 
5. Columbia University
6. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 
6. Yale University
8. University of Pennsylvania 
9. Princeton University 
10. Cornell University 
11. New York University (NYU) 
12. University of Chicago 
13. Duke University 
14. Johns Hopkins University 
15. University of Southern California 
16. Northwestern University 
17. Carnegie Mellon University
18. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 
19. California Institute of Technology (Caltech) 
20. Brown University 
21. Boston University 
21. Rice University 
23. Georgetown University 
24. University of Washington 
25. University of Texas at Austin
26. University of California, San Diego (UCSD) 
27. Emory University 
28. University of California, Davis 
28. Washington University in St. Louis 
30. University of Rochester 
30. Vanderbilt University 
32. Georgia Institute of Technology 
33. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
34. George Washington University 
35. Tufts University 
35. University of Florida
37. Dartmouth College 
38. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 
39. University of Miami 
40. University of Notre Dame 
41. Rutgers University–New Brunswick 
41. University of California, Irvine 
43. Case Western Reserve University
43. University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) 
45. Stony Brook University, State University of New York 
46. University at Buffalo SUNY 
47. Pennsylvania State University 
48. Boston College 
48. University of Maryland, College Park 
50. University of Virginia 
51. Syracuse University 
52. University of Wisconsin-Madison 
53. Purdue University
54. Northeastern University 
55. University of Minnesota Twin Cities 
56. Michigan State University 
57. Brandeis University
58. The Ohio State University 
59. Drexel University 
60. University of Massachusetts Amherst 
61. Temple University
62. North Carolina State University 
62. University of Colorado Boulder
64. Lehigh University 
64. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
66. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 
67. Tulane University 
68. Howard University 
68. The University of Arizona 
68. University of Maryland, Baltimore County 
71 .Binghamton University SUNY 
71. Illinois Institute of Technology
73. University of Pittsburgh 
74. New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) 
75. University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) 
76. University of the Pacific 
77. Texas A&M University
78. University of Denver 
79. University of Massachusetts Boston 
80. William & Mary
80. Florida State University 
82. San Diego State University 
82. University of Connecticut 
82. Virginia Commonwealth University 
85. Indiana University Bloomington 
85. Worcester Polytechnic Institute 
87. University of Houston 
88. University of San Francisco 
89. The University of Georgia 
89. University of Oklahoma 
91. Arizona State University 
92. Wake Forest University 
93. Southern Methodist University 
94. Andrews University 
94. University of California, Santa Cruz
94. University of Oregon 
97. University of Texas Dallas 
98. Santa Clara University 
98. University of Louisville – School of Public Health & Information Sciences 
100. George Mason University


Source: QS top universities 



By Evon at EssayCrafter

Essaycrafter英文諮詢工作室的創辦人Evon 大學主修理工,後續取得了生醫相關博士學位,也同時取得公衛的碩士 (MPH)。在期間發表了多篇的學術論文,共同著作一本英文百科全書其一章節,受邀擔任國際會議的演講者及數份科學期刊的 Reviewer,修過經濟學以及財經管理、統計課程。至今累積了超過十年在大學以英文授課與在外國企業工作的經驗。創業團隊也同時具有生醫博士、紐約華爾街投資銀行主管、美國矽谷資深軟體工程師的背景。希望讓每個有才華的年輕人能同樣得到在世界頂尖學府與企業學習與工作的機會。的年輕人能同樣得到在世界頂尖學府與企業學習與工作的機會。


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